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Call for tribute Open Projet LEDJPEG
by admin_elemac
on Friday 25 January 2013

The idea is to develop a device to control the LED in full open source.
Everybody could use it and so find back the emulation and the pleasure of making various types of projectors without being restricted to industrial processes or manufacturing, they do not satisfy always our business applications which are still craft with specific requests.
Spécifications would be: 4 channels control RGBW (to benefit of a "clean" 6000°K white Led) A 12V supply (voltage very common in batteries, car (...)

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Comparatif Convention API-vs-1950
Un fichier amorcé par Vincent pour essayer d’y voir plus clair

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Appel à contribution Projet open LED
Je viens d’acheter un petit kit Arduino et je vais m’inspirer de ce montage. S’il y a des (...)

Les Leds arrivent doucement... enfin un peu plus vite...
bonjour je cherche un fournisseur sur paris de led avec pignon sur rue pour parler et patient (...)

Des aimants costauds
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